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Welcome to 3 Face Funnels Forum

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 8:24 pm
by admin
This forum is used to discuss the future of technology in the world and the impact it has on the global village. An account is required to post any discussion. More attention will be directed to specific friends on the forum seeking to answer specific needs based on their geographical location, while the rest attention will be given to the general or global issues. A full participation is paramount to the success of this forum.

Example 1: How can the Great Lakes Region in Africa benefit from the Everywhere Free Internet (EFI)?
Example 2: How can Asia be independent by using its own Mesh Network?

Let's gather, research, present, implement, develop and refine strategies that will benefit the current and future generations.
You can ask any question here if you think it is relevant to you or the participants of this forum.

Have fun!

Phillimon Shumbusho, MS.